Sell Digital Droducts Process

Quy trình bán sản phẩm trên sell2p.

💰 How to Sell Products

To sell a product, you need to check if the product you wish to sell is on the list. You can view the list here.

Then, you need to fill out the product sale registration form on this page.

🔄 Description

Step 1: Check the Product

Access this page and check if your product is on the list of buyable and sellable products on sell2p.

Step 2: Submit the Product

After reviewing the product list and agreeing with the price offered by sell2p, proceed to the product sale registration page and accurately fill in all the required information.

Step 3: Wait for Approval

Once you have submitted the required information, wait for the sell2p team to check and evaluate the validity of your product.

The checking and evaluation process will be completed within 7 days of you submitting the product. However, for some special products, the evaluation period may exceed 7 days but will not exceed 30 days. sell2p will notify you via the email you provided.

Step 4: Receive Payment

Payment will be made within 3 days after sell2p sends confirmation that your product is valid.

📖 Additional Documents

Refer to the frequently asked questions for more information.

Last updated